We need to support the worst and challenge the best. Personalized learning is recognised as an essential element of best teaching practice. Yet how do we achieve this with 20 or 30 students who often have very diverse prior experience and abilities?
1. MathAmigo Manager provides you with teaching plans to meet the differentiated needs of students
2. You can edit the plans to meet your student’s specific needs
3. MathAmigo automatically adjusts the difficulty of the questions to meet the performance of the student
4. Answer feedback and tutorials provide the first level of support
5. Teacher Alerts tell you when a student needs your help
6. Formative assessment reports show you where you need to focus your efforts to make a difference
The most effective instruction is when teachers and technology work together. It is better than teachers by themselves or student and technology alone.
Summarized from various papers:
Dalton and Hannifin